Edged Weapons - What Happens When You Can't Run?

  • Street Drills

    In this course, we look at: The edged weapon action heirarchy, Stances, Positions, Tactics, Controls, Posting, Enclosed spaces, Positive environment use, Disarms and compliance, And more...

  • Vehicle Drills

    Taxi drivers, bus drivers, in fact, anyone who drives and might have a threatening passenger. This unit covers in-vehicle threats from the drivers door, passenger seat and back seat of your car...

  • Practical Training Drills

    In the final units, we go over several practical training drills you can practice with your training partner...

Course curriculum

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    Next Steps...
    • Unit 1 - Edged Weapon Action Hierarchy
    • Unit 2. Threat Categories
    • Unit 3. Presenting the Knife
    • Unit 4. Attack Types
    • Unit 5. Postures & Defensive Positions Part 1
    • Unit 6. Postures & Defensive Positions Part 2
    • Unit 7. Stances, Blocks, Positions & Principles
    • Unit 8. Controlling The Knife Arm
    • Unit 9. Controlling The Range
    • Unit 10. Static Threats
    • Unit 11. Static Threats From The Rear
    • Unit 12. Vehicle Defences - Introduction
    • Unit 13. Vehicle Defences - Car Jacking Knife Threat
    • Unit 14. Vehicle Defences - Car Jacking Knife Threat: Variation 1
    • Unit 15. Vehicle Defences - Car Jacking Knife Threat: Variation 2
    • Unit 16. Vehicle Defences - Open Door Slash / Stab Attack
    • Unit 17. Vehicle Defences - Passenger Threat
    • Unit 18. Vehicle Defences - Passenger Close Threat
    • Unit 19. Vehicle Defences - Threat From The Rear Seat
    • Unit 20. Practical Knife Drills #1
    • Unit 21. Practical Knife Drills #2
    • Unit 22. Practical Knife Drills #3
    • Unit 23. Practical Knife Drills #4
    • Unit 24. Practical Knife Drills #5

Edged Weapons Defence

Sometimes, running away is not an option...

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