Modern Street Systems Skills & Drills

Over 2 hours and more than 40 drills to incorporate into your training

  • Unit 1 Footwork Drills

    1. Intro 2. The Footwork Dance 3. Footwork Angles 4. Frankenstein 5. Tyre Drill 6. Belt Tie Up 7. See The Line Up

  • Unit 2 Stand Up Pad Drills

    1. Arms Down 2. Non-Aggressive Stance 3. Single Striking 4. Telegraphing 5. Targeting 6. Defend & Strike 7. Numbers Combo 8. Trap An Arm 9. Lift & Strike 10. Combos With Butts 11. Pebble In Shoe 12. Debris On Floor 13. Eyes Closed Pad Drill

  • Unit 3 Stand Up Clinch Work

    1. Swimming 2. Thai Clinch 3. Clinch With Knees 4. Arm Drag To Back 5. Arm Over To Back 6. Butting From Clinch 7. All In Clinch 8. Closing To Clinch 9. Smother To Clinch 10. Stay Standing

  • Unit 4 Ground Drills

    1. Intro 2. Head Push & Shrimp 3. Survive Punches 4. Control Clinch & Roll 5. Clear & Hammer 6. Punch Up 7. Up Kick 8. Swivel From Protect 9. Baby Curl

  • Unit 5 Knife Drills

    1. Intro 2. Create Distance 3. Improvise Weapons 4. Beat The Draw 5. Guess The Hand 6. Control The Hand 7. Knife Cover 8. Cover Drills

Course curriculum

  • 1
    Introduction To Modern Street Systems Skills & Drills
    • Why Enrol OnThis Course?
    • MSS Demo v.4
    • Introduction to MSS Skills & Drills
  • 2
    Unit 1. Footwork Drills
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. The Footwork Dance
    • 3. Footwork Angles
    • 4. Frankenstein
    • 5. Tyre Drill
    • 6. Belt Tie-Up
    • 7. See The Line Up
  • 3
    Unit 2. Stand Up Pad Drills
    • 1. Arms Down
    • 2. Non-Aggressive Stance
    • 3. Single Striking
    • 4. Telegraphing
    • 5. Targeting
    • 6. Defend & Strike
    • 7. Numbers Combo
    • 8. Trap An Arm
    • 9. Lift & Strike
    • 10. Combos With Butts
    • 11. Pebble In Shoe
    • 12. Debris On Floor
    • 13. Eyes Closed Pad Drill
  • 4
    Unit 3. Stand Up Clinch Work
    • 1. Swimming
    • 2. Thai Clinch
    • 3. Clinch With Knees
    • 4. Arm Drag To Back
    • 5. Arm Over To Back
    • 6. Butting From Clinch
    • 7. All-In Clinch
    • 8. Closing To Clinch
    • 9. Smother To Clinch
    • 10. Stay Standing
    • 11. Stay Standing Pt 2
    • 12. Stand Up Clinch Work Conclusion
  • 5
    Unit 4. Ground Drills
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Head Push & Shrimp
    • 3. Survive Punches
    • 4. Control Clinch & Roll Introduction
    • 5. Control Clinch & Roll Demo
    • 6. Control Clinch & Roll Drill
    • 5. Clear & Hammer
    • 6. Punch Up
    • 7. Up Kick
    • 8. Swivel From Protect
    • 9. Baby Curl
  • 6
    Unit 5. Knife Drills
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Create Distance
    • 3. Improvised Weapons
    • 4. Beat The Draw
    • 5. Guess The Hand
    • 6. Control The Hand
    • 7. Knife Cover
    • 8. Cover Drills

Functional Skills & Drills

More than 40 drills to add to your training